1. Process
  2. Conclusions
  3. Conciseness
  4. Verbs
  5. Data
  6. Conventions

3.8 Collapse plodding explanations

Join together step-by-step explanations into quicker sweeps of ideas. Many concepts are better stated in healthy-size sentences, not overlong ones, but sentences that include considerable information. Such sentences are particularly useful for information that is neither emphatic nor persuasive, but that simply must be included.


I sent Billy the letter about the new procedures. He responded by saying that we had forgotten about consulting Jill. I wrote to Jill but she never responded. So I had Billy give me the go-ahead. Then I published the procedures on the intranet. The purpose of this last step was to give the Finance Department a general sense of where we were headed.

Rewrite: After consulting Billy, trying to get Jill's approval, and receiving Billy's approval, I published the procedures on the intranet to give the Finance Department an idea of where we were headed.


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